Daje se u zakup poslovni prostor opremljen u svrhu pripreme hrane, s MTU za proizvodnju kolača i slastica.
Prostor je veličine 70 m2, nalazi se u prizemlju obiteljske kuće u Brezovici, Zagreb, koja ima uređenu okućnicu, privatno parkiralište i odličan pristup za transportna vozila.
Prostor se sastoji od dvije veće prostorije (kuhinja, skladište), kupaonice s toaletom i posebne prostorije (hladnjače) te je opremljen svim potrebnim aparatima u svrhu pripreme hrane, odnosno kolača i slastica.
Prostor se grije na tekuće gorivo putem vlastite kotlovnice kuće i ima klima uređaj.
Pri zaključenju ugovora potrebno je položiti u svrhu depozita iznos od dvije mjesečne zakupnine.
Za više informacija i dogovor o obilasku slobodno me kontaktirajte!
A business premises equipped for the purpose of food preparation, with MTU for the production of cakes and desserts, is for lease.
The space is 70 m2, located on the ground floor of a family house in Brezovica, Zagreb, which has a landscaped garden, private parking and excellent access for transport vehicles.
The space consists of two larger rooms (kitchen, storage), a bathroom with a toilet and a separate room (refrigerator) and is equipped with all the necessary appliances for preparing food, ie cakes and desserts.
The space is heated with liquid fuel through the house's own boiler room and has air conditioning.
When concluding the contract, it is necessary to deposit the amount of two monthly rents as a deposit.
For more information and to arrange a tour, feel free to contact me!
Dino Braš
Suradnik u prodaji
098 220 791